Food Glorious Food
Directed by Ian Guy
was performed 8th July 2010
A Glorious one night stand to celebrate food.
A selection of readings, sketches, monologues and sillies all about one of our favourite things.
A Ladies Life by Karen Trist | Denise Gough |
Feeding the Five by Mrs Evelyn Cavendish | Charlotte Guy |
Shakespeare's Soup | Jenny Nash, Karen Trist and Denise Gough |
Pam Ayres poems | Roger Mathewson, Denise Gough, Stacey Collins and Di Phillips |
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis | Jenny Nash |
Two Poems | Doug Thomson and Di Phillips |
The Diet by Anon | Stacey Collins |
Oliver Twist an extract | Doug Thomson |
Fishing for Compliments by Evelyn Cavendish | Charlotte Guy |
A Piece of cake | Karen Trist, Stacey Collins and Jenny Nash |
Two poems | Charlotte Guy and Denise Gough |
Quiz the Minister by Evelyn Cavendish | Doug Thomson and Charlotte Guy |
Pudding by Mrs Cavendish | Charlotte Guy |
The Turkey poem by Anon | Di Phillips |
The Small Pleasures of Life - an extract | Karen Trist |
A new Bride Cooks by Anon | Jenny Nash |
Three Poems | Doug Thomson, Roger Mathewson and Karen Trist |
Dinner for One by Lauri Wylie | Roger Mathewson and Di Phillips |