Rock-A-Bye Sailor
Philip King and Falkland L. Carey’s domestic comedy, Rock-A-Bye Sailor revolves around the christening of Able-Bodied Seaman Alfred and Shirley Tufnell’s child and the ensuing mayhem.
Albert’s mother-in-law, Emma Hornett, has her nose put out of joint on several occasions and being excluded from seeing her grandson in hospital, and is determined to have her say in future events.
Edie Hornett | Judy Carnall |
Emma Hornett | Joan Miller |
Henry Hornett | John Rickard |
Mrs Florrie Lack | Pauline Barnes |
Albert Tufnell A.B. | Ian Guy |
Shirley Tufnell | Angela Kerslake |
Daphne Bligh | Alison Drown |
Carnoustie Bligh A.B. | Brian Moore |
Robin Stebbington | Nigel Guy |
Produced by | Colin Stewart |